$150,000 Match Update
Posted on December 04, 2023

Match Update:
January 8, 2024
We couldn’t wait to share the news with you!
We set out to raise $150,000 toward the match. Supporters like you blew us away with your response—and as a result of your generosity, the match amount was increased! Together we raised nearly $450,000 in just one month! Wow!!! To all of you who gave—thank you, thank you, thank you!
The most exciting news is not how much we raised, but how many leaders we will be able to equip! We are so excited to put each of those dollars to work equipping pastors and ministry leaders in 2024. Your support will give them the gift of deep roots in the gospel. In our increasingly complex and disorienting world, that gift is priceless.
Thank you for giving with global church to equip leaders in the hard places who are spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. The ripple effect will be beyond what we can even imagine. We can’t wait to share all the stories of impact and life change with you throughout the year!
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel. It is a joy to serve with you.
For our team,
F. Lionel Young III
Executive Vice President
Original Post:
December 4, 2023
Our supporters are pretty extraordinary. Just this week, one of our donors surprised us with a $150,000 matching gift for the month of December! Wow!!!
That means that every dollar given from Thanksgiving through December 31st will be matched for DOUBLE the impact. It’s the perfect time to give the gift of deep roots to pastors and ministry leaders serving in the hard places of the world!
By investing in pastors and leaders, you are blessing every single person they will encounter over the course of their ministries. The impact is truly exponential.
We are convinced that equipping pastors and ministry leaders is the most strategic way to serve the church and spread the gospel to every corner of the earth. Will you partner with us and double your impact this Christmas?
For our team,
Lionel Young
Executive Vice President