A Good Push
Posted on August 03, 2023

We need a good push. To use a football metaphor, we are inside the 10-yardline after an impressive drive down the field—but we need some help to win this big game.
What comes to my mind is “helping the runner,” which is what happens when teammates get behind the person carrying the ball to push them a little farther. Just a few more yards, or even a few more inches, can make all the difference in a game.
Here’s the game situation. Our partners have committed and given more than $800,000 for our 2023 ministry plans. We’ve had some big contributions from key players. Wow! But we haven’t won the game yet. Our fiscal year ends in September, and we’ve got some things on the line. If we are able to raise an additional $100,000 by Labor Day (September 4) we can still win this. We just need a good push.
Here’s are just a few of the things on the line:
- We made a commitment to stand with pastors and churches in Ukraine during the war. We want to keep that commitment.
- We said yes to pastors and leaders standing in line to take our classes in Peru, El Salvador, Ecuador, and Bhutan. We want to keep those classes open.
- We started translating our courses into Arabic and Portuguese so we can equip leaders in exciting new regions of the world. We want translators to keep on working.
In case you missed it, our president Dr. Rick Thompson wrote an article a few weeks ago reminding us that the greatest need in global missions today is equipping pastors and leaders. We are pushing forward in this work with all our might, and we are so thankful for your help. Together we can finish the year strong.
For His Church,
Lionel Young
Executive Vice President