A Historic Opportunity on the Subcontinent of India

India has recently surpassed China as the most populous country in the world, with a population of 1.4 billion people. Sadly, over 95% of India’s population is still considered unreached with the gospel. 2,100 of the more than 2,300 unique ethnic people groups in India...

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Marginalized to Embraced: Welcoming in Jesus’ Name

The Roma people (also known as gypsies) have suffered marginalization, persecution, and sometimes even enslavement or systematic extermination in Hungary and other European countries for hundreds of years. Even today, they face injustices and prejudice in almost every aspect of public life. Despite their marginalization...

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Connecting Passion with Knowledge

Veronica and Rafael (names changed for security purposes) live in the eastern side of Cuba where they are part of an isolated rural church family. While they had spent years within the church, reading their Bibles, and working in the secular workforce as professionals, they...

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Impact Spotlight: Pastor Sasha in Ukraine

Pastors and ministry leaders around the world experience a myriad of trials: war, displacement, violence, poverty, hostile governments, persecution, and more. Deep roots in Christ anchor them through the crucibles of affliction, equipping them to be beacons of hope in their communities. Pastor Sasha is...

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Redeemed and Feeding His Sheep

Jhonatan Rivera’s earliest memories were marked by violence, a broken family, abandonment by his biological parents, and substance abuse. “But…God was working,” he recalls, “and I didn’t even know him.”  The pain of his circumstances eventually led him to cope with substance abuse. He confesses...

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Deeper Roots to Spreading Fruit

Herman was born into a dysfunctional family in Guatemala City. Losing his mother at an early age, he sought comfort in illicit living. Christ rescued him at age twenty-five, and he married and started his family. Upon the Lord calling him to ministry, he preached...

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On the Ground in Africa

You will also get a glimpse into the lives of some of our students in Uganda and South Sudan, who face significant challenges but are determined to cultivate strong roots in Scripture so they can pour into others. 

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Open Borders, Open Doors

Equipping Leaders in Bhutan When the pandemic hit, the Buddhist hermit kingdom of Bhutan completely shut its borders. They remained closed for three long years. This year, to the great surpise of our team, one of our Bhutanese graduates showed up in Sikkim, India with...

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Growing in Latin America

It is with great excitement that we watch our work spread to new places! This month we are focusing on Latin America, where we are equipping leaders and transforming lives in seven countries. Our team includes 1 regional director, 7 country directors, 29 coordinators, and...

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