A Future for the Roma

The Roma people are Hungary’s largest ethnic minority, and Global Action biggest ministry field in Eastern Europe. The Roma (often known as gypsies) are a diverse group of people who are often associated with poverty or crime. For hundreds of years, they were enslaved, persecuted,...

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Overcoming Obstacles

Lester Argueta is a 33-year-old pastor who serves in a small community in Retalhuleu, Guatemala. When his pastor and mentor died suddenly 7 years ago, Lester knew God was calling him to step up and serve as a pastor—even though he had never had any...

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Overcoming obstacles 2

A Strong Start in Zimbabwe

To see the Gospel at work is the most exciting answer to prayer! Across the world, our Global Action leaders are preparing for a year of ministry – training leaders, feeding orphans, providing for the homeless, and being the hands and feet of Christ. This...

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Strong Start in Zimbabwe

Touching Hearts in India

We have been so encouraged by God’s answers to our prayers, even in a season of unknowns. And he has continued to amaze us! In January 2021, we conducted training in Amritsar (along the border with Pakistan) for 50 leaders! We had our second leadership...

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spotlight on india

Thank You from Latin America

My name is Yuniel Cruz and I serve as the Director of Latin America and the Caribbean, a region which is experiencing both tremendous hardship and tremendous growth. We are so thankful for how our partners have come alongside us in this time. You are...

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Thank you from Latin America

Golf with a Purpose

If you live in the Phoenix region or want to get away for some sunshine and beauty, this is for you! We want to invite you to our 14th Annual Desert Classic golf outing at the beautiful Superstition Springs Golf Club in Mesa, Arizona on...

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Golf with a Purpose

New Beginnings

A friend recently shared this word of encouragement from Oswald Chambers: “Leave the broken, irreversible past in His hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.” May God give us the grace to trust him with the past and the strength to launch out into 2021...

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New Beginnings

Spreading Hope in the New Year

What a year! I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad to put a year behind me. But as I look back over the last twelve months, I can see many examples of how God has used the challenges to help us refocus on what...

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Spreading Hope

Thankful for You!

This Thanksgiving season, I am thinking of the hundreds of individuals and churches that have come alongside us this past year to support Christian leaders in the developing world. In a time of global pandemic, rising poverty, and cataclysmic weather events, our financial partners have...

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Thankful for you

When the Earth Quakes

It seems like our earth is quaking. Post-election clamor in the US. Hurricanes and flooding in Central America. Political corruption in Eastern Europe. More lockdowns in Europe. COVID numbers spiking in India and Cuba and many parts of the world where we are working. It...

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When the Earth Quakes
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