Marginalized to Embraced: Welcoming in Jesus’ Name
Posted on December 06, 2024

The Roma people (also known as gypsies) have suffered marginalization, persecution, and sometimes even enslavement or systematic extermination in Hungary and other European countries for hundreds of years. Even today, they face injustices and prejudice in almost every aspect of public life. Despite their marginalization by society, they are embraced by Jesus Christ—and he is raising up European church leaders to display that love.
Sasha and Angela graduated from Global Action’s Foundations program in 2018. Armed with theological training and an understanding of Christ’s heart for marginalized people, they began to share the good news of Jesus with the Roma people in the surrounding area. This ministry continues today, and their influence is extending to the next generation.
One of the ways they serve the Roma people is through hosting summer camps. Just a few weeks ago, they wrapped up another summer camp where they poured into 40 children with the love of Christ. These children came from a variety of backgrounds, including Roma from Hungary and Ukraine, as well as children displaced by the war.
In addition to their work with the Roma, Sasha and Angela have also planted two churches, and they are dedicated to raising up even more effective church leaders to multiply the impact. They are accomplishing this by equipping other leaders in their churches with Global Action’s course material.
Embracing marginalized children with the gospel, planting churches, and raising up even more church leaders is worth celebrating! Eastern European leaders like Sasha and Angela are truly changing the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.