Mid-Year Impact Report
Posted on June 12, 2024

We exist to equip leaders around the world to transform their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And you are helping make that happen. We currently have more than 1,700 students studying in our program in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. This is happening because of YOU. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
What you are investing in is strategic. Jesus often withdrew from the crowds to spend time with his small group of disciples. It was not a waste of time. He knew that this was the way to change the world. Remember he was called “Rabbi,” a Hebrew word that means “Teacher.” Jesus was following a commonly accepted tradition in the ancient world. Spend time with a few committed students—and they will go out and teach others.
And we know what happened next. The disciples went out and turned the world upside down.
We are continuing in this tradition—with some 90 locations around the world—by equipping students in intimate classroom settings to go out and transform their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a snapshot below of the places we are working—places where experienced “Rabbis” are spending time with students preparing them to go out and change the world!
Your giving is making this happen and we are so thankful. Like many non-profits, our fiscal year ends on September 30 each year and so we have included a brief financial update so you know where we are. Thank your faithful and generous giving. You are having an impact around the world!
For our Team,
Lionel Young
Executive Vice President
2024 has already been a busy year for our team around the world! Here are some quick snapshots of our impact by region:

Mid-Year Giving Update
Thank you for giving to equip leaders in 2024. We still have some work to do to reach our $1,000,000 goal for the year, but with your help we believe we can do it. Like many non-profits, our fiscal year ends on September 30. Thank you again for all you do, and please contact our staff for any questions.
2024 Goal: $1,000,000.00
2024 Giving Year-to-Date: $661,962.24