Missional DNA
Posted on August 12, 2020
One of the blessings of being a Christ follower is the joy of serving alongside our global family. Over the last year, I’ve had the privilege of partnering with an incredible Costa Rican pastor named Roy Soto to write our new curriculum on The Church, the Gospel, and Community Transformation. Roy’s church is an inspiration to me, and today I want to give you a small glimpse into their impact.
In the next few days, Roy’s church will be opening its doors in a new way: as a COVID-19 quarantine center. The Costa Rican government came to them for help, asking them to begin housing people who have tested positive for the virus. Their new “guests” will primarily be migrant workers and those without the safety nets of families or financial resources. Now the church will be their family and home in their time of need. What a beautiful picture!
The government will not be providing any money or resources for the care of these individuals, so this is a huge leap of faith for Roy and his church. The pandemic has already hit them and their community hard. But as Roy states, their “missional DNA” outweighs the needs they face. They are trusting God and moving forward in obedience to serve their hurting community.
Praise God for pastors and leaders like Roy, who take the the Gospel’s commands seriously–even when doing so is costly. This is the power of the Gospel! When a pastor and church cultivate “missional DNA” through Christ, there is no limit to what they can accomplish. Please pray with us for Roy and other pastors around the world as they depend on the Lord to help them shine brightly in this hard time. We are thankful for their faithful witness!
For the world, Dr. Rick Thompson | Donate |