Now is the Time
Posted on October 31, 2022

When the war started in Ukraine, we found ourselves in new ministry territory. How do we serve in the midst of violence, political unrest, war, and danger? We didn’t have answers to any of these questions. We only knew we had to immediately support and provide additional resources to our leaders who were shepherding so many people in need.
Thanks to our strong network of leaders in every corner of the Ukraine, our graduates have been able to feed the hungry, house refugees, evacuate civilians from the front lines, and provide pastoral care for hurting people. With incredible bravery, they venture right up to the front lines and continue to share the gospel—even in occupied areas. We will be sharing some of their stories with you on this blog. You especially won’t want to miss the video from one of our pastors serving on the front lines!
Beyond all this, what I find so remarkable and inspiring is that despite all the urgent needs around them, these Ukrainian leaders are not losing sight of their core mission: making disciples. As they tirelessly work to meet the needs of their hurting communities, they are sharing the hope of the gospel and making disciples. AND they are passionately seeking to equip more leaders so that the important work they are doing can be multiplied.
We are even seeing this spread outside of Ukraine and into Belarus where, despite the many obstacles, a class of 35 students has begun studying the Word of God—with Ukrainian teachers! The gospel cuts across all dividing lines and even brings people together who would typically be considered “enemies.” These Belarussians want to learn how to lead and serve well, even under an oppressive dictatorship. Wow!
And here at home, we are excited to welcome Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Marvel to our team as our new Academic Director! Liz is no stranger to mission work, and she brings unique expertise to our organization, as you can read in our Q&A with her. Liz is a talented scholar with a passion for the global church. She brings credibility to our organization—as well as a heart for preparing men and women for front-line ministry.
We are so thankful for our supporters who make all this possible. Together, we are making a lasting difference for leaders—and those they serve—in hard places like Ukraine and Belarus. They need us now more than ever.
Now is the time.
For the world,
Lionel Young
Executive Vice President