Mobilizing the Q’eqchi’
Posted on July 16, 2021

Did you know that even though Spanish is the official language of Guatemala, only 55% of the population speaks Spanish as their heart language? There are actually 22 different languages spoken in Guatemala! Over a half million people are native speakers of the Mayan language, Q’eqchi’ (pronounced kek-chee).
The Q’eqchi’ are generally Catholic, at least in name, but they have also retained many indigenous Mayan religious traditions. Many of them have now mixed their beliefs in the “Tzuultaq’a” (gods of the mountains and valleys) with Catholic beliefs and traditions. Due to deep inequalities and severe government repression, as much as a quarter of the Guatemalan Q’eqchi’ population immigrated to the United States in the 1980’s.
Q’eqchi’ pastor and leader Alejandro Bolóm graduated from Global Action’s Foundations program in 2017. He shared:
“I never would have thought that training would be offered in my location…it has helped me significantly in my ministry as a Christian. It is the foundation we need to be able to take the message to the Q’eqchi’ people around Livingston.”
And he has been doing just that ever since! He is on a mission to bring our training to more Q’eqchi leaders and churches. He believes that the Word of God is powerful enough to transform the world, and he wants his fellow Q’eqchi’ to have the opportunity to study it. Alejandro now serves as an area coordinator and currently oversees three different locations of Q’eqchi’ classes, with a total of over 75 students!
Although our materials have not yet been formally translated in the Q’eqchi’ language, he teaches the classes in Q’eqchi’ so that the students can hear in their heart language. He also strives to get each student a Bible in their own language.
Our supporters make it possible for passionate leaders like Alejandro to be mobilized and sent out to transform their communities with the Gospel. We are so thankful for each of our partners! If you would like to join with us in connecting leaders with the training they need, click the button below to donate today.
A Q’eqchi’ class with their village in the background Q’eqchi’ coordinator, Alejandro Bolóm (center), with missionaries Rich and Cherry Smith Alejandro Bolóm with a Q’eqchi’ class holding their Global Action materials