Tailor Made
Posted on May 27, 2022

Like most places, India is coming out of two hard years in the pandemic. For many, daily life seems to be resuming, but for the “daily wagers” – or working class – the return to normalcy is much slower. Ongoing unemployment coupled with a decrease in tithes and services has many of our alumni and their families still struggling to put food on the table.
Recognizing the need to create an immediate and reliable income stream, Global Action worked to establish a new sewing class that aims to equip pastors’ wives with professional skills and financial stability. While the course is primarily focused on helping pastors’ wives supplement the loss of income due to decreased tithes following the pandemic, we found the need was also significant for other vulnerable women in the community, like Aruna (pictured above).
Aruna tells us she did her best to make ends meet by working as a housekeeper after her husband died. It was the only job she believed an uneducated, widow could do. But when COVID broke out, she lost the job that had been the only source of income for her family.
“Your team has made me realize that I am not born to just be cleaning and washing the dishes. In the right time your God gave me this opportunity to train myself with life sustainable skills so that I can support my family without needing to depend on anyone. I am going to work hard to train myself. Someday, I might be a help to another lady.”
Nearly 20 women are now taking part in the course. The women are in the early stages of learning to sew and soon will be able to mend and make new clothing. There is already a need for more classes in other communities!
With your support, Global Action will work to set up additional centers equipped with sewing machines and instructors to provide more women the opportunity to grow their skills, support their families, and serve their communities.