Ukraine: Hope in Hardship
Posted on February 17, 2022

The situation in Ukraine is tense and unsettling. But even in the brokenness of the world, our God is still sovereign. This truth gives us hope and a reason to rejoice in the midst of turmoil. In fact, we know from history that God often uses hardship to strengthen his church and to draw people into a saving relationship with himself.
The Ukrainian church is no stranger to hardship, and our team there is boldly moving forward with plans to equip pastors and leaders in Ukraine, Belarus, and Hungary. Now more than ever, church leaders in the region need a solid foundation in the Scriptures so that they can lead their churches through whatever trials lie ahead. We are determined to help these brave leaders shine brightly in their communities.
Join us in praying for wisdom and protection for our Director of Eastern Europe, Igor Grishajev, as he leads our team through this season. Pray especially for our new class in Belarus, which is scheduled to begin next week in a particularly tense area.
Please pray also for each of the Ukrainian pastors and ministry leaders who have studied with us. Pray that they would stand firm in the gospel and to be filled with the peace of Christ. May they lead well and spread the Good News in our hurting world.
For the Gospel,
Lionel Young
Executive Vice President