Ukraine Response
Posted on February 25, 2022
This page is updated regularly. Keep scrolling down for older entries.

April 20, 2022
I think I missed the seminary class on how to pastor a church in the middle of a war.
In recent weeks I have been turning to the past, trying to learn what I can from the faithfulness of God’s people during global conflicts. I have also been learning from my brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine, who are remaining “steadfast” and “immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” in the middle of war.
Global Action equips leaders in their own countries to serve their churches and cities. Today, the pastors and ministry leaders we have equipped in Ukraine are asking for our help. In the video below, we take you inside one of the many churches that have turned their buildings into centers for displaced people fleeing the war zones. I preached in this particular church a couple of years ago and enjoyed a meal with Pastor Dima. He is serving with joy!
Our main focus right now is getting pastors like Dima the resources they need to serve in this time of war. They are mobilizing their churches to provide food, water, shelter, first aid and essential baby products. They are providing emergency transportation for people who are in cities that are under siege, putting their lives on the line for the most vulnerable. Everywhere they go, they are also providing pastoral care for people who are in need of hope.
We can share with you that some of the pastors in our network have had their churches destroyed by bombs and have had to find shelter in other locations. A small number have been arrested by Russian authorities in the east, and at least one of our pastors has been forcefully deported along with members of his congregation.
We are hearing widespread reports of pastors who are serving with courage and confidence in the face of danger. We have been asked to refrain from reporting names at this time—though we are looking forward to sharing those stories with you.
We are thankful for your generous giving to help our brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine. We have been greatly surprised by the generosity of God’s people. If you or someone you know wants to help, please click on the link below. 100% of your gift will go to our Ukraine Emergency Fund. We will also be reporting to our donors directly, letting you know how your giving is being used. We take it seriously. Lives are at stake—eternal lives—and we are working hard to save as many as possible.
Continue praying for Igor Grishajev, our Director in Eastern Europe. He is doing well, and has been traveling throughout large portions of the country. Pray for God to give him wisdom and safety as he leads.
More to come,
Dr. Lionel Young
Executive Vice President
Video Update from Ukraine
March 7, 2022
The stories coming out of Ukraine are heartbreaking—but the Church is present! Someone asked me recently what makes our work in this tragedy unique. The simple answer is that we are working through local churches and Ukrainian pastors. We equip leaders within their countries all over the world. And when tragedy comes, our leaders are already there.
As I write this e-mail, several things are happening that we want you to know about:
- Ukrainian pastors are turning their church buildings into shelters for people who are trying to move from war zones to places of safety.
- Ukrainian pastors are coordinating with city officials throughout Ukraine to provide food, clean water and emergency aid for people who are staying in bomb shelters.
- Ukrainian pastors are coordinating transport for orphans and children-at-risk out of war zones like Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Odesa—despite the great risks to their own lives.
- Ukrainian pastors are prioritizing assistance to the most vulnerable, including infants, children, and the elderly.
- Ukrainian pastors are providing pastoral care and grief counseling to people who need emotional and spiritual support—and they are uniquely qualified for this work.
Many of you have already responded by giving to these needs, and we are very grateful. We have included a short interview with our director who is now coordinating efforts from Western Ukraine. If you want to help, we have set up a special fund for Ukraine that is now being used to get assistance to people in this time of need.
Things are happening quickly, with new developments every day. We promise to keep you updated. We are so grateful for your prayers and support in this time of need.
For the Church in Ukraine,
Lionel Young
Executive Vice President
An Update from Ukraine
February 28, 2022
Global Action equips leaders around the world to serve their own communities. Rather than sending Western missionaries to places like Ukraine, we equip local pastors to do the work that we cannot do.
And when disaster strikes, our leaders are already there. Global Action has equipped more than 1,000 pastors in Ukraine, and right now they are mobilizing to provide relief for suffering people in this time of war.
As you are reading this, many of our pastors have moved their wives and children to the border and are returning to stay with those in their churches who cannot leave. “They are brave,” our director told me, “they want to be with their people to the end.”
Our director and his team are working hard to provide emergency aid to pastors and churches. If you want to give, you can do so here, and we will make sure your gift gets to the people who are most in need.
You can also join us for a time of prayer for Ukraine on Ash Wednesday (March 2) from 9a-9:30a CST. Our director will be joining us with a short update and we will be praying for together for the Ukrainian people.
Thank you for your support during such a time as this.

February 25, 2022
Thank you for your ongoing support of Global Action. As a close partner, we wanted to give you an update.
So far, our team in Ukraine is safe. And even in the midst of the turmoil, they are hard at work. The church is hurting, and we are responding by providing emergency relief for Christians in Ukraine. Our Director of Eastern Europe will be coordinating these efforts with Global Action pastors throughout the country. Thank you for praying for wisdom and protection for these courageous leaders.
We have witnessed the Ukrainian church standing strong through many hardships since we first began working there two decades ago, and we continue to be amazed at their bold faith and resilience today.
Please continue lifting the church and all the people of Ukraine before the throne of grace. Our God is faithful, and we place our hope in him. As Psalm 34:18 reminds us, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”
For the Gospel,
Rick Thompson