Visit a Rural Church in India with Us!
Posted on September 29, 2022

I just returned from India where I had the thrilling experience of actually seeing our team in action. A highlight was when I was invited to speak at a church pastored by one of our graduates in South India. Pastor Alok started this congregation with nine people in a crowded village. With no access to theological education, he later found out about our one-year certificate program and enrolled. It changed his life. It also changed his church. And it is transforming his community!
I was greeted that Sunday morning with dancing worshipers who led us up to the house of worship. I thought immediately of the Psalms of Ascent: “Let us go up to the house of the Lord.” Several hundred members gathered. The building was so full that doors and windows were left open so that the 100 or more worshippers outside could be part of the service. You can see all of this in the video below documenting my Sunday visit!
After worship concluded (some two hours later!) I walked by a group of people surrounding a water well that had been installed by the church to serve the community. They were taking turns pumping water for each other. Just wow! What a picture of what we are all about at Global Action. And this is only one of the two churches pastor Alok leads. He now teaches in our program so that other leaders like him can have access to a biblical education.
I continue to witness with my own eyes again and again how equipping leaders changes lives FOREVER, and it transforms communities NOW. Thank you for giving to help us with what I believe is the most important work in the world.
I do want to take this opportunity to mention that I just got off the phone with our Director of the Caribbean, who is on his way to Cuba. We already have a team there on the ground to serve the people of Cuba after the devastation of Hurricane Ian. I know that many of you already give above and beyond, but if you do want to do something for the people of Cuba, you can give to our Global Action Fund. We will do all that we can to get resources into the hands of local pastors we have equipped so that they can serve their congregations. We will keep you updated.
We are so grateful for your faithful and generous support. Thank you for investing in leaders. They are changing lives forever because of you!
For the Kingdom,
Lionel Young
Executive Vice President