Omer Hernández – Guatemala
Omer grew up in a warm Christian home but suffered greatly growing up with a debilitating speech impediment. As a young adult, he began attending the Guatemalan Biblical Seminary. While there, the Lord provided care to correct his speech, loosening his tongue to sing God’s praise and declare His Word. The Spirit also revived his heart from all the years of pain, gave him greater desire and purpose to serve people with the love of Christ.
He has since served the people of Chimaltenango, Guatemala as a youth pastor and worship leader.
Then, a friend invited him to take Global Action’s Foundations program in 2019. God used Omer’s time as a Global Action student to solidify his calling, specifically for teaching and preaching the good news of Jesus to all nations.
The also course left a great impact on him in other ways. While his initial seminary program had provided him with helpful information, as a pastor he faced challenges he wasn’t equipped for. Global Action’s program refreshed and enriched him with the practical knowledge he needed.
“Omer is without a doubt one of the most talented pastors and teachers we have encountered. His love and passion for the Lord exudes in all he does. His students love him and enjoy his classes,”
Wendy de Rodas, Director of Guatemala
Today, Omer serves as a teacher and coordinator for two Global Action training sites in Guatemala. This brother in Christ is deeply committed to the cause of raising up disciples in Guatemala by his continued academic and spiritual development to dig deeper roots and bear greater fruit.